Friday, March 6, 2009

Let The Training Begin

Obviously, training in Illinois in the winter is definitely a very different experience than training in Texas in the winter. In the two short weeks since I began my training I have made several observations.

1. Unless you are a glutton for punishment, are trying to serve penance for some unpardonable sin, or just enjoy freezing your extremities off, outdoor training walks are few and far between.

2. Three layers of clothes is sometimes NOT enough!

3. Your feet will go numb and you won't know if it is because your shoes are too tight or if you are beginning to suffer from frostbite.

4. There are a few essential items to be taken on a walk when you do choose to venture outdoors. Chapstick, tissues, and more chapstick. Also, don't forget your gloves (I learned this one the hard way).

5. Snot will freeze if it is cold enough!

6. Watch out for flying snow or ice thrown off of cars as they speed past. I can speak of this from experience.

7. Creativity is a must. Thank goodness for all those hours I spent watching The Biggest Loser. I have a full repertoire of cardio exercises I can do at home. Our stairs are my best friends.

I am anxiously awaiting the spring when I will be able to hit all the wonderful walking trails in our little town.

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