Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Still Alive and Walking

Ok, so I didn't really keep up with this blog as well as I had hoped to. I'll just blame it on the fact that I have an extremely active 11 month old who keeps me very, very busy. Not to mention our family blog, the time I spend on facebook and the countless hours I spend perusing the internet and reading other blogs. Yikes, I can't believe I just admitted to the amount of time I "waste" each day on the computer!

I am now 24 days away from my 60 mile adventure. Training has been hard this go round. Between a LONG winter here in Northern Illinois and a baby, getting my walks in has been difficult. I have been getting in a number of 5 mile walks each week with an occasional longer one. My sweet girl and I just returned from a 5 mile walk this afternoon at a near by nature preserve.

Just last week as D, E and I returned home from church I saw two women walking down the street wearing pink t-shirts and hats. I commented to D that perhaps they were training for the 3 Day. A little over an hour later I set out on an 8.5 mile walk and who should I happen to run into - the pink ladies! They were in fact training for the 3 Day. We walked together for the remainder of our miles that afternoon. It was so nice to share my experience with them as this is their first event. It made me so excited about the event. It was a life changing experience for me in 2007 and I expect to be changed even more by this year's event.

I am amazed at the number of women I have met in just the past few years who have had breast cancer or who are currently fighting the breast cancer battle. These women are heroes in my eyes. They are walking a road that is harder than anything I could imagine. I will continue to walk and continue to raise awareness about this disease in hopes that one day no woman would have to walk the breast cancer road.

24 more days
$1008 left to raise
60 miles to walk
A lifetime of change!

1 comment:

  1. whats the course this year? i seem to remember pink ladies walking by my house in past years...
